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pcb silkscreen guidelines

Best PCB Assembly Services

While searching for a PCB contract manufacturer to partner with for building your circuit boards, establishing a high level of communication and trust is tantamount to a successful final product. Whether a novice or experienced in design, some subtle layout choices can develop into major manufacturing problems further down the road if left unaddressed. To…

component supply chain

Aerospace PCB Assembly Basics

Preparing for aerospace PCB assembly requires a greater understanding of reliability and its impact on electronic devices. No one wants their electronic device to fail, but the cost and safety concerns of electronic failure with aerospace systems are unacceptable. Complicating this additional requirement is the greater range and extremes of environments that aerospace electronics must…


High-Frequency PCB Design Guidelines

PCB design can quickly become complicated. When designers optimize thousands of component placements and routes, it’s easy to miss the forest for the trees. High-frequency PCB design (typically 1 GHz and up) introduces additional complications, as signal behavior changes dramatically and the transmission medium becomes more impactful to signal integrity. High-frequency PCB design guidelines help…

The characteristic impedance of transmission lines starts with the board stackup.

High-Speed PCB Design Guidelines

PCB layout can be challenging, but high-speed constraints and demands can transform challenging into demanding. Increasing signal speeds means standard design best practices must account for insignificant material characteristics at slower speeds. While some high-speed PCB design guidelines overlap with traditional layout methodology, designers must understand the differences and how they affect their layout strategy.…


Rigid Flex PCB Design Guidelines

Most designers cut their teeth designing rigid printed circuit boards due to their simplicity (this is relative). Because the design is static from a mechanical standpoint, the designer needs only indicate the component locations for assembly. A flex circuit offers numerous mechanical advantages over a rigid PCB but also requires additional considerations for materials, dynamic…