Valley Services Electronics

Silicon Valley’s Premier Electronic and PCB Assembly Blog

component orientation on pcb

Turnkey PCB Assembly: Finding the Right Fit

Instead of electronics original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) supporting the entire production process for their products, it is often more cost-effective to contract out this work. For example, building a circuit board takes a lot of unique equipment, processes, and trained staff, putting a demand on the OEM to provide. Alternatively, a contract manufacturer specializing in turnkey PCB assembly can do the entire job faster, less expensively, with better results. Let’s take a closer look at how this works.

CMs that use pcb functional test

What to Look for in Scalable PCB Manufacturing Services

A printed circuit board’s manufacturing requirements change during the board’s life-cycle. Boards planned for long-term production will increase from their initial low-volume prototyping manufacturing requirements to high-volume builds. PCB designers need to prepare for this growth and work with an assembly vendor with scalable PCB manufacturing services. Here are some more details on what that means.

pcb first article inspection process

Navigating the Cost of Custom PCB Assembly

PCB manufacturing is by nature a customized process as each design is usually unique in its size, configuration, and purpose. But there are some aspects of building a board that can affect the cost more than others. Here we will take a look at some of the factors that can impact the cost of custom PCB assembly so that you will know what to expect on your next design.

pcb silkscreen guidelines

Custom Circuit Boards for Manufacturing & Prototypes

There’s a lot the designer should understand when building a PCB prototype to be prepared. In addition to the board’s build’s purpose and requirements, it’s also essential to know fabrication and assembly processes that will impact design. This article will discuss the process of custom circuit boards manufacturing prototypes and how the right PCB contract manufacturer can help guide you through your next prototype design.