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pcb first article inspection process

Using Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) for PCB Manufacturing Validation

Manufacturing a printed circuit board is a complicated process. From fabrication through assembly, there are many different points during manufacturing that must be verified before the board can pass to the next step. This validation can be done in several ways, from manual inspections to advanced X-ray analysis. Another standard validation method is the different automated optical inspection (AOI) systems used to examine PCBs.

component orientation on pcb

A Brief Introduction to PCB Layout Design Rules

To help designers create functional and manufacturable circuit boards, the PCB design software creators will include a variety of design rules and constraints in their tools. The appearance and use of these constraints will vary quite a bit from tool to tool, but their purpose is always the same, to help you to design a better circuit board. Here are some ideas on how to set up and work with these rules.

pcb footprint creation guidelines

Sourcing Electronic Components: How To Make Sure Your Supplier is Authentic

Over the past several years, our confidence in the quality of the parts used has been violated by counterfeit parts’ proliferation on the market. The flood of counterfeits has required extra diligence in sourcing electronic components to ensure that what is purchased is the real McCoy and will work as expected when installed on a PCB. Here are some tips on how to ensure the components you are working with are genuine.