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Simple Schematic Drawing Software: Better Than Pen and Paper

Designing on paper certainly has a nostalgic charm, and many of us learned circuit design using simple drafting tools. However, circuit board design has become more complex since the good old days of using a drafting board. If you are still using pen and paper, you miss out on some beneficial functionality available in even the most simple schematic drawing software tools. Let’s compare pen and paper schematics with CAD schematic capture systems and see some of these differences.


Industrial PCB Design Rules

Industrial circuit boards are typically used in applications that require high power levels to drive motors or other heavy-duty equipment. Because of these power requirements, the layout rules and constraints are different than what would be used to layout a low-power IoT device. Here we’ll look at some of the differences with this type of circuit board layout technology and what designers need to understand about industrial PCB design rules.